
Monojit Das about 5 hours ago

" I was travelling with the Shailaj Travels from Jorhat to Tezpur with my 3-year- old daughter. The staff was very helpful and showed special attention to the well-being of my toddler. I would like to thank the Shailaj Travels for their courteous attitude. "

Manoj Kapur about 5 hours ago

" Travelling to places through Shailaj Travels is always affordable, convenient, and satisfactory. One of the finest bus operating services. The travel experience was awesome. You guys respect the passengers which none of the travels does. Please keep this in practice and one day you will be the best travels across. Very clean and value for money. Good job guys. "

Mouli Mondal about 5 hours ago

" I was traveling with a huge gang of friends from Tezpur to Jorhat on Shailaj Travels. We were really skeptical about the comfort of the bus. To our surprise, the journey turned out to be very comfortable and we also enjoyed it a lot. The staff on the bus was quite amiable and they came up with great suggestions for our trip. "

Imran Khan about 5 hours ago

" I recently travelled from Jorhat to Tezpur on Shailaj Travels . It was a sleeper bus and I felt the bus was very comfortable and the staff was very friendly and cooperative. Great going Shailaj Travels keep it up. "

Wish you a Happy and Comfortable Journey

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